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VV Autokool OÜ

VV Autokool on rõõmus pakkuda teile B-kategooria sõidukite juhtimise õppeprogrammi, mille eesmärk on muuta teid enesekindlaks ja vastutustundlikuks juhiks.

Meie instruktorid on kõrgelt kvalifitseeritud ja omavad sügavaid teadmisi juhtide koolitamise valdkonnas. Nad on valmis jagama teiega oma rikkalikku kogemust ja parimaid tavasid. Teoreetilisi tunde viiakse läbi kaasaegses klassiruumis, mis on varustatud viimaste tehnoloogiatega maksimaalse õppimise efektiivsuse tagamiseks, asudes ajaloolises hoones Tallinna südames.

Praktilisteks sõidutundideks on teie käsutuses kaasaegne ja mugav 2023. aasta Toyota Yaris Cross, mis aitab teil kiiresti kohaneda tegeliku liikluskeskkonnaga.

VV Autokoolis püüdleme mitte ainult teid õpetama sõidutehnikat, vaid ka kasvatama teis liiklusvastutuse tundmist ja austust teiste liiklejate vastu. Meie missiooniks on tagada liiklusohutus, pakkudes kvaliteetset ja taskukohast õpet kõigile.

Registreeruge VV Autokooli, et avastada ohutu ja enesekindla sõidu maailm. Garanteerime personaalse lähenemise ja paindliku tunniplaani, et õppimine oleks teile mitte ainult kasulik, vaid ka mugav.

25|5. Initial Driver Training for Category 'B' [26.02.2025 - 25.03.2025 Estonian]
New -10 %
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Kat.B - 25|5
Introduction: The Additional Theory Lesson for Category B is designed for drivers who wish to improve their knowledge of traffic rules and boost their confidence on the road. This course is ideal for both beginners preparing for the theory exam and experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills..
976.00€ 1,085.00€
25|6. Initial Driver Training for Category 'B' [09.03.2025 - 08.04.2025 Russian]
New -10 %
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Kat.B - 25|6
Introduction: The Additional Theory Lesson for Category B is designed for drivers who wish to improve their knowledge of traffic rules and boost their confidence on the road. This course is ideal for both beginners preparing for the theory exam and experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills..
976.00€ 1,085.00€
25|7. Initial Driver Training for Category 'B' [23.03.2025 - 22.04.2025 Estonian]
New -10 %
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Kat.B - 25|7
Introduction: The Additional Theory Lesson for Category B is designed for drivers who wish to improve their knowledge of traffic rules and boost their confidence on the road. This course is ideal for both beginners preparing for the theory exam and experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills..
976.00€ 1,085.00€
25|8. Initial Driver Training for Category 'B' [06.04.2025 - 05.05.2025 Estonian]
New -10 %
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Kat.B - 25|8
Introduction: The Additional Theory Lesson for Category B is designed for drivers who wish to improve their knowledge of traffic rules and boost their confidence on the road. This course is ideal for both beginners preparing for the theory exam and experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills..
976.00€ 1,085.00€
25|9. Initial Driver Training for Category 'B' [20.04.2025 - 19.05.2025 Russian]
New -10 %
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Kat.B - 25|9
Introduction: The Additional Theory Lesson for Category B is designed for drivers who wish to improve their knowledge of traffic rules and boost their confidence on the road. This course is ideal for both beginners preparing for the theory exam and experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills..
976.00€ 1,085.00€
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: PracticeExLesson
Introduction: The B-category additional driving lesson is designed for those who want to improve their driving skills, increase confidence behind the wheel, and prepare for the practical exam. This lesson is ideal for both beginners and experienced drivers who wish to refine their driving abilities ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: TheoryExLesson
Introduction: The Additional Theory Lesson for Category B is designed for drivers who wish to improve their knowledge of traffic rules and boost their confidence on the road. This course is ideal for both beginners preparing for the theory exam and experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Lõppastme
Introduction: The Additional Theory Lesson for Category B is designed for drivers who wish to improve their knowledge of traffic rules and boost their confidence on the road. This course is ideal for both beginners preparing for the theory exam and experienced drivers looking to refresh their skills..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard1000
The 1000€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard100
The 100€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard200
The 200€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard300
The 300€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Showing 1 to 12 of 21 (2 Pages)