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VV Autokool OÜ

VV Autokool on rõõmus pakkuda teile B-kategooria sõidukite juhtimise õppeprogrammi, mille eesmärk on muuta teid enesekindlaks ja vastutustundlikuks juhiks.

Meie instruktorid on kõrgelt kvalifitseeritud ja omavad sügavaid teadmisi juhtide koolitamise valdkonnas. Nad on valmis jagama teiega oma rikkalikku kogemust ja parimaid tavasid. Teoreetilisi tunde viiakse läbi kaasaegses klassiruumis, mis on varustatud viimaste tehnoloogiatega maksimaalse õppimise efektiivsuse tagamiseks, asudes ajaloolises hoones Tallinna südames.

Praktilisteks sõidutundideks on teie käsutuses kaasaegne ja mugav 2023. aasta Toyota Yaris Cross, mis aitab teil kiiresti kohaneda tegeliku liikluskeskkonnaga.

VV Autokoolis püüdleme mitte ainult teid õpetama sõidutehnikat, vaid ka kasvatama teis liiklusvastutuse tundmist ja austust teiste liiklejate vastu. Meie missiooniks on tagada liiklusohutus, pakkudes kvaliteetset ja taskukohast õpet kõigile.

Registreeruge VV Autokooli, et avastada ohutu ja enesekindla sõidu maailm. Garanteerime personaalse lähenemise ja paindliku tunniplaani, et õppimine oleks teile mitte ainult kasulik, vaid ka mugav.

Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard400
The 400€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard500
The 500€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard50
The 50€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as w..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard600
The 600€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard700
The 700€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard800
The 800€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: GiftCard900
The 900€ driving school gift card is the perfect present for anyone starting their journey toward a driver’s license. It can be used to pay for driving school services, such as theory lessons, practical driving sessions, or purchasing educational materials. This gift card is ideal for beginners as ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Pimedasõit
Night Driving Practice Course Introduction: Learn how to drive safely in low-visibility conditions with our Night Driving Practice Course. This course provides an opportunity to acquire essential skills needed for confident and safe driving at night or during twilight, considering all specific ..
Brand: VV Autokool OÜ Model: Libedasõit
Slippery Surface Risk Avoidance Course Introduction: Learn to drive safely in challenging conditions on slippery roads with our specialized course. This course is designed to enhance driving safety and reduce risks in winter conditions or on slippery road surfaces. You will gain theoretical kno..
Showing 13 to 21 of 21 (2 Pages)