Upon completion of driving school, each student is issued a document confirming their educational status. This can be a certificate or a statement, depending on the results of the assessment of learning achievements.
The certificate is awarded to students who have successfully mastered the learning outcomes and passed the assessment, such as passing an exam or test. The certificate serves as an official confirmation that the student has acquired the necessary skills and knowledge for driving and is ready to take the national exam at the Maanteeamet to obtain a driving license.
A statement is issued to students in two cases: if they did not participate in the assessment or did not pass it successfully, and also if the student interrupted the studies. The statement indicates the topics covered during the course and the fact of participation. This document can be useful for further training or for retaking the course.
What Do the Documents Contain?
Both the certificate and the statement contain the following information:
- Student's name and personal code;
- Name and registration code of the educational institution;
- License registration number in the education information system;
- Name of the educational program;
- Time and volume of the training;
- Place and date of issue of the document;
- Document number;
- Names of the teachers;
The certificate also indicates the learning outcomes achieved and the methods of assessing achievements.
Each document is signed in a prescribed manner and numbered. The driving school keeps a record of all certificates and statements issued.
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